
Showing posts from December, 2019

Meta Title और Meta Description को SEO optimize कैसे करें?

Meta Title और Meta Description को SEO optimize कैसे करें?   यदि आप एक blogger हैं, तो आप जानते ही होंगे की अपने ब्लॉग पर traffic लाने का काम आसान नही है. आप हर एक तौर पर अपने को completely SEO optimize करना पड़ता है और quality content provide करना होता है. हम अपने ब्लॉग पर समय-समय पर अलग-अलग SEO optimizations tips शेयर करते रहते हैं. आज भी हम आपके लिए ऐसे ही एक topic के बारे में बात करेंगे. जब बात आती है On Page SEO की तो उसमे दो चीज़ें बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होती हैं, Meta Title और meta description. यदि आप On Page SEO के बारे में नहीं जानते तो कृपया हमारा नीचे दिया गया आर्टिकल पढ़ लीजिये: On Page SEO में हम अपने existing content और page पर अपनी तरफ से पूर्ण optimization करते हैं जैसे की उपयुक्त keyword density रखना, out linking और internal linking, heading tags, formatting, media का use इत्यादि. इन्ही में दो चीज़ें, meta title और meta description भी होती हैं. चलिए पहले जान लेते हैं की आखिर ये meta title और meta description होता क्या है. Meta Title और Meta Descri...

On Page SEO Tips 2020 in Hindi – पहले page पर रैंक करने के लिए

On Page SEO Tips 2020 in Hindi – पहले page पर रैंक करने के लिए   क्या आप अपने post को keyword targeted, SEO-optimized और ज्यादा से ज्यादा traffic derive करने योग्य बनाना चाहते हैं? क्या आप चाहते हैं कि आप search engines को यह बेहतर तरीके से समझा पायें कि आपको किस keyword के लिए rank करना है? यदि ऊपर दिए गए किसी भी प्रश्न के लिए आपका उतार हाँ है तो, यह article आपके लिए ही है और इस article में हम अपने blog post को keyword targeted बनाने के बारे में चर्चा करेंगे. जब भी किसी भी website या blog को optimize करने की बात आती है तो इसके अंतर्ग्रत दो चीज़ें होती हैं: On-page optimization Off-page optimization आज के इस article में हम On-page SEO optimization के बारे में बात करेंगे, और मैं आपके साथ बहुत सी useful On-Page SEO techniques share करूँगा जोकि आपको आपके blog posts को optimize करने के लिए implement करनी चाहिए. तो अब आप on-page SEO aur on-site SEO में confuse न हों. On-Site में सारी की सारी website के pages की optimization की बात आती है जिसमे sitemaping और...

Skyrim Console Commands List 2020

Skyrim is a fantastic game that is liked by the audience all around the world, thanks to the scenes present in the game. Skyrim is a replayable game. There are some useful console commands of Skyrim. Using Skyrim console commands list, you can make the game easily playable and also can replay the game. Skyrim commands are handy if you are a beginner. Today we are discussing console commands and their uses. To use these console commands or cheats you to enter your cheats by clicking tilde key (symbol is ~) on clicking this now you can enter your cheats in the game for your use. Skyrim Console Commands List 2019 1. Addshout you can add your desired dragon shout to your repertoire. To add type the name of dragon shout after the add shout command 2. AdvSkill using advskill command in any particular skill you can raise your level. You can use advskill command type skill id after the advskill. Here skill id is the skill question. 3. Player.advlevel   ...

Most common Voice search close out in 2019

Nine voice search stats to close out 2019 A look back at some of the year's key voice searches and virtual assistant metrics. From smartphones to smart home appliances, artificial intelligence, voice and virtual assistants are very much at the center of a shift in the way we interact with digital devices. While voice has not yet lived up to its promise, it’s clear it will be an enduring feature of the digital user experience across an expanding array of connected devices. Mobile = 59% of search Way back in 2015, Google announced that mobile search had surpassed search query volumes on the desktop. But it never said anything more precise and hasn’t updated the figure. Hitwise, in 2016 and again in 2019, found that mobile search volumes in the aggregate were about 59% of the total, with some verticals considerably higher (e.g., food/restaurants 68%) and others lower (e.g., retail 47%). This isn’t a voice stat, but it’s important because the bulk of voice-based que...

best social listening tools for 2020

As more brands turn to social media for customer insights, social listening tools are gaining momentum. Here are our top 6 picks for 2020.   Social listening gives you access to what people are saying about your brand, industry, or competitors across social media and the web – often without them being aware of you listening. If you know how to word your queries and filter the results, you’ll end up with the most authentic, unbiased insights you can get as a business. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the best social media and web monitoring tools to help you gain and act on those insights in the coming year. Let’s roll. 1. Awario Affordable social listening and analytics with Enterprise-level capabilities. Awario  is a relatively new tool that (finally!) makes social media and web monitoring affordable for businesses of any size: with plans starting at $29/mo, Awario offers a lot of capabilities that you’ll find in Enterprise-level tools. ...

Why is Digital Marketing Important? What are the Advantages of Digital Marketing?

Computerized promoting envelops all advertising endeavors that utilization the web. Where would it be a good idea for you to begin on the off chance that you need to build up your advanced advertising system? All the more significantly, for what reason do you need one? Regardless of whether you take a gander at India or universally, there has been an immense move in showcasing and promoting. Purchasers are supported in their basic leadership process with their cell phones, influencers, content, online networking, and different clients. Brands are additionally managing a colossal measure of progress – shifting capacities to focus, rivalry, evolving inclinations, monetary difficulties, and increasing expenses. We're here to address your questions and help you develop. For brands nowadays, contacting present day crowds accompanies its own chances and complexities. In this innovation driven time, utilizing advanced advances and channels is basic to accomplishing promoting goals. ...

What is Portal use and difference from Iframe

We’ve written a comprehensive guide to Google Portals – an ambitious new concept for mobile web design. A new page transition experience for Chrome, this seems to be Google’s attempt at rethinking navigation. The goal is to help developers create web experiences with links that feel as seamless and fluid as a native app. In the world of cross-domain experiences, this is exciting news! What are Portals and how do they work? In May 2019, Google announced a new upgrade to iFrame technology – Portals are a new web platform API that aim to provide a new way of loading and navigating through web pages. Similar to classic < iframe> tags, portals will work with a new HTML tag < portal >, allowing web developers to embed remote content in their pages. “Portals are like iFrames that you can navigate to,” explained Barb Palsar, who leads Google’s global product partnerships. “When a user opens a Portal, the Portal becomes the top-level page. Portal enables fluid, ...

Connect EC2 using Putty generator

Connecting to Your Linux Instance from Windows Using PuTTY       The following instructions explain how to connect to your instance using PuTTY, a free SSH client for Windows. If you receive an error while attempting to connect to your instance, see Troubleshooting Connecting to Your Instance . After you launch your instance, you can connect to it and use it the way that you'd use a computer sitting in front of you. Note After you launch an instance, it can take a few minutes for the instance to be ready so that you can connect to it. Check that your instance has passed its status checks. You can view this information ...