What is HSRP / HSNP? Complete information of high security number plate
what these high-security number plates ? and how to book HSRP or HSNP online to secure your vehicle from theft and avoid the penalty? Know, what is a high-security registration plate or a high-security number plate? How to apply for HSRP online ? What is the cost of HSRP / HSNP? And if it is not there, how much amount will have to be paid as a penalty? HSRP stands for High-Security Registration Plate , also known as HSNP, which means High-Security Number Plate . The HSRP or HSNP is itself a standardized number plate set by the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, which has been required throughout the country. The rationale behind mandating a high-security number plate is that such a number plate increases the safety of the vehicle and will prevent incidents of vehicle theft. Because it will be issued only by agents authorized by the government. Once installed on the vehicle, it cannot be removed....