
Showing posts from March, 2021

What is Google Blogger: Start a website for free!

 What is Google Blogger: Start a website for free! Do you want to earn money from Blogger ? If yes, then it is very important for you to know what is Google Blogger? Do you know about 78 million people have visited the website created on Google blogger in April? Due to which those bloggers have gained more than 10 million in ad revenue. So this means that websites built on bloggers rank in Google. And the funniest thing is that on Google Blogger you can earn millions of rupees by setting up your blog for free. Blogger is a platform where you can make your blog or website reach your thoughts, ideas to your readers. Now you must be thinking how can you do this? Do you have such skills through which you can impress your visitors - if you have good knowledge about cooking, then you can make a cooking blog of your own or if you have good knowledge in the field of digital marketing then you can use digital marketing You can make a relative blog or website? If you are a new blogger then B...

How to earn money from blogging 2021

 Blogging Se Paise Kaise Kamaye 2021 What is Blogging, Meaning, How to Build, What is Building, Micro Blogging (Blogging Kya Hai, Meanings, Websites, Course, Kaise Kare, Beginners, in hindi) If you have created your new blog and you feel that money will start coming to you, then friends, it is not going to happen at all. Money is not just made by creating a blog, you also have to install Efforts with Blog. In this article, I will tell you how to earn money from Blogging? (Blogging Se Paise Kaise Kamaye 2021) Do you know that every year, about 60% of Blogger stop making blogging after 4 to 5 months of working? Knowing this you may feel a little shocking, but this is true because it does not have patience in them, they think that by writing an article only a few months or writing only 40 to 50 money, their blog will start getting money and it will not happen. They stop writing blogs. blogging se paise kaise kamayen Blogging became a very field in 2021, in which Blogger is coming in, ...

विटामिन तथा उनके रासायनिक नाम 🔥🌟

🔥🌟 विटामिन तथा उनके रासायनिक नाम 🔥🌟  ❂ विटामिन- A ➢ रासायनिक नाम : रेटिनाॅल ❍ कमी से रोग: रतौंधी ❖ स्त्रोत : 🥕गाजर,🥛 दूध, 🥚अण्डा ,🍓फल🍉 ❂ विटामिन – B1 ➢ रासायनिक नाम: थायमिन ❍ कमी से रोग: बेरी-बेरी ❖ स्त्रोत : 🥜मुंगफली, आलू, 🥦सब्जीयाँ🍆 ❂ विटामिन – B2 ➢ रासायनिक नाम: राइबोफ्लेबिन ❍ कमी से रोग: त्वचा फटना, आँख का रोग ❖ स्त्रोत : 🥚अण्डा,🥛 दूध,🥦 हरी सब्जियाँ ❂ विटामिन – B3 ➢ रासायनिक नाम: पैण्टोथेनिक अम्ल ❍ कमी से रोग: पैरों में जलन, बाल सफेद ❖ स्त्रोत :🍗 मांस🍖,🥛 दूध, 🍅टमाटर, मुँगफली🥜 ❂ विटामिन- B5 ➢ रासायनिक नाम: निकोटिनेमाइड (नियासिन) ❍ कमी से रोग: मासिक विकार (पेलाग्रा) ❖ स्त्रोत : 🍗मांस🍖, 🥜मूंगफली, आलू ❂ विटामिन- B6 ➢ रासायनिक नाम: पाइरीडाॅक्सिन ❍ कमी से रोग: एनीमिया, त्वचा रोग ❖ स्त्रोत : 🥛दूध, 🍗मांस,🥦 सब्जी🍆 ❂ विटामिन – H / B7 ➢ रासायनिक नाम: बायोटिन ❍ कमी से रोग: बालों का गिरना , चर्म रोग ❖ स्त्रोत : यीस्ट, गेहूँ, 🥚अण्डा ❂ विटामिन – B12 ➢ रासायनिक नाम: सायनोकोबालमिन ❍ कमी से रोग: एनीमिया, पाण्डू रोग ❖ स्त्रोत : 🍗मांस, 🍖कजेली, 🥛दूध ❂ विटामिन- C ➢ रास...

March 2021 Current Affairs

🎯 29 March 2021 Current Affairs  Q.1. हाल ही में अर्थ ऑवर डे' कब मनाया गया है ? Ans. 27 मार्च Q.2. फिच रेटिंग्स ने 2021- 22 में भारत का GDP कितने प्रतिशत रहने का अनुमान है ? Ans. 12.8% Q.3. हाल ही विश्व रंगमंचन दिवस कब गया है ? Ans. 27 मार्च Q.4. किस राज्य सरकार ने 'सस्ती किराए की आवास योजना' शुरू करने की घोषणा की है ? Ans. उत्तर प्रदेश Q.5. पर्वतारोही रोहताश खिलेरी एवं अनु यादव ने किस सबसे ऊंची चोटी पर 24 घंटे रुकने का रिकॉर्ड बनाया है ? Ans. किलिमंजारो Q.6. विदेश मंत्री एस जयशंकर किस देश की दो दिवसीय आधिकारिक यात्रा पर जायेंगे ? Ans. ताजिकिस्तान Q.7. प्रधानमंत्री ने किस देश के युवाओं के लिए स्वर्ण जयंती छात्रवृत्ति की घोषणा की है ? Ans. बांग्लादेश Q.8.  उत्तर प्रदेश मंत्रिमंडल ने किस शहर को पुलिस आयुक्तालय में बदलने की है ? Ans. कानपुर, वाराणसी Q.9. हाल ही में भारत कोरियाई मैत्री पार्क का उद्धाटन कहाँ किया गया है ? Ans. दिल्ली Q.10.  किस देश ने शाहीन-1A मिसाइल का सफल परीक्षण किया है ? Ans. पाकिस्तान ▶️  जुड़े हमारे ग्रुप के साथ ✔️  ▶️  सभी परीक्षा के लिए ...

What is Cornflour and Benefits, Uses, difference

 What is cornflour and maize flour, its benefits and uses, the difference between maize flour and corn floor (difference between cornflour or cornmeal flour, ararot) Many types of grains are grown in the world, which is used in different ways. Which also has different benefits. Today we are going to talk about the starch form of one such grain, which is used while making many types of foods and it is also very beneficial. The name of that grain is maize and here we are going to talk about the starchy form of maize i.e. cornflour (cornflour). So let's know about the use of maize flour and its benefits. What is difference between  Cornflour or cornmeal flour Cornflour is slightly different from maize flour. Corn flour is cornmeal flour, as it is made by grinding and grinding corn grains, corn flour is usually yellow. It is coarse or fine.   Whereas cornstarch or cornflour is corn starch. To make corn floor, the skin is made by grinding out the peel from the corn grains...

Complete knowledge of palmistry- Palm Reading for Beginners

 Complete knowledge of palmistry What is the knowledge of palmistry, complete knowledge of palmistry What is Hast Rekha Gyan  palmistry and future secrets? Hastha Rekha has great importance in astrology. It is believed that a person's future can be estimated with the help of palmistry. In palmistry, astrology predicts the future information of a person by studying the shape of a person's hand, palm ridge etc. Special information related to this astrology is being given here. Main Lines in Palm of Hand  The main lines in the palm line are the lifeline, heart line, and head line. With the help of these three main lines, many kinds of information about a person's life are obtained. Here these three lines are being briefed. Lifeline: The lifeline in a person's hand starts between the index finger and the thumb and goes to the base of the thumb. If the lifeline is long, it means that a person's health will be better throughout his life. On the other hand, if this line i...

Why we Dreams and outcomes of Dreams and effects on sleep

 The Meaning and Dreams  Everyone comes to know. Every dream has its meaning and its result. There are 2 types of dreams, one that we see in deep sleep after sleeping, and the other which we think for our golden future. Dreams are those that are not real, but a thinking, which we want to get in the future. The dreams that we see in our sleep are associated with our life somewhere. What is Dream Many times in the dream, we see such an event that is related to our past or see that which is going to happen in the future. Many times we keep thinking like in our life, just like we live in enviroment, we dream the same night. Dreams are not always incomplete, they are sometimes complete, sometimes dreams are fulfilled immediately, sometimes they give effect after a short time. According to astrology, every dream has some meaning and its meaning. Dreams are a mirror of our future, they warn us in advance of the trouble to come. The city of dreams is in Paris, one of the 7 wonders of ...

vehicle scrappage policy in India

 What are vehicle scrap policy, benefits, purpose vehicle scrappage policy in India A new scrap policy has been mentioned in India's first paperless budget 2021-22. When it comes to this policy, many types of questions have come to the mind of the people. Those who have an old car, bike or any kind of vehicle are scared. He is wondering what will happen to his vehicle after the arrival of this policy. According to a survey, 55 percent of the vehicles in India are old and if this policy was started then what will happen to so many vehicles. We are going to tell you in detail about this new vehicle scraping policy. So, you should read this article completely and if you understand this information, then share it with your friends. What is the new vehicle scrap policy Scraping means that if your car is more than 15 years old, then your car will be canceled. You will not be able to drive that car. If you run, then you can be fined many ways. But recently some changes have been made in t...

Karim Lala's life introduction - Biography

 Karim Lala's life introduction Biography, Biography, History, Story, History, Karim Lala Biography of Karim Lala (Karim Lala Biography in Hindi) (Death, Movie, Grandson, Family, Net Worth, Cause of death, Height, Daughter, Gangubai) Karim Lala was the famous name of the Mumbai underworld, at a time when Karim Lala rocked the entire Indian politics. If we talk about Mumbai, Karim Lala's name was enough for any work in Mumbai. From 1960 to 1980, Karim Lala's coin used to run all over India, but there was a time when Karim Lala came to the floor due to his mistakes. But even today, Karim Lala's name comes at the top of the list of don. Today we are going to tell you about Karim Lala's life in this article. Here you will know many things related to Karim Lala, as well as about the relationship between Gangubai and Karim Lala, we will also tell here. Karim Lala's life introduction Full Name Abdul Karim Sher Khan Born 1911 Birthplace Kuner Province, Afghanistan Em...