
Showing posts with the label earning

Lockdown Wedding Business Ideas: Make money by preparing for marriage from home

  How to get married in lockdown, virtual wedding (Lockdown Virtual Wedding, Meaning Ideas, Planner, Invitation, Card, India in Hindi) Recently, due to the corona virus, there is such a situation that people are not able to attend the wedding-party of their close people due to maintaining social distance and flight, trains and buses are closed.  A similar situation has also happened to the caterers and wedding planners who organize the wedding-party business, that when their season is in time, their business is going in a loss.  In such a situation, people are giving a lot of priority to virtual wedding.  It is such a business idea that both the wedding planner and caterers make a profit in the business and people also get involved in the wedding and party of their relatives and friends.  So today we are going to give you information about what virtual wedding is and some of the best ideas related to it in this article. What is a virtual wedding?  (What is ...

What is Google Blogger: Start a website for free!

 What is Google Blogger: Start a website for free! Do you want to earn money from Blogger ? If yes, then it is very important for you to know what is Google Blogger? Do you know about 78 million people have visited the website created on Google blogger in April? Due to which those bloggers have gained more than 10 million in ad revenue. So this means that websites built on bloggers rank in Google. And the funniest thing is that on Google Blogger you can earn millions of rupees by setting up your blog for free. Blogger is a platform where you can make your blog or website reach your thoughts, ideas to your readers. Now you must be thinking how can you do this? Do you have such skills through which you can impress your visitors - if you have good knowledge about cooking, then you can make a cooking blog of your own or if you have good knowledge in the field of digital marketing then you can use digital marketing You can make a relative blog or website? If you are a new blogger then B...

कैप्चा टाइप कीजिये घर बैठे पैसे कमाएँ - Earn Money Online Captcha Code

ऑनलाइन घर बैठे पैसे कैसे कमाए और वो भी बिना Investment, ऐसी Captcha Company है जो आपको Captcha Work करने का मौका देती है कि कैप्चा (Captcha) Type कीजिये घर बैठे पैसे कमाएँ आइये जानते हैं एक और तरीका जिससे आप इंटरनेट से पैसे कैसे कमा सकते हैं - कैप्चा टाइप कीजिये घर बैठे पैसे कमाएँ 👍- Earn Money Online Captcha Code अगर आप  टाइपिंग सीखने  के साथ कुछ पैसा भी कमाना भी चाहते हैं तो यह ऑनलाइन जॉब (online job) आपको कुछ अर्निंग करा सकती है,  कैप्‍चा क्‍या होता है  यह हमने पिछली पोस्‍ट में जान लिया है, अब अगर आपके पास खाली टाइम है तो आप कैप्‍चा टाइपिंग से पैसा कमा कर सकते हैं, बस आपको करना ये है -  सबसे पहले  पर अकाउंट बनाना है -   👈 इसके लिये आपको यहॉ क्लिक कर  पर जाना होगा  यहॉ आपको दो ऑप्‍शन दिखाई देगें Order CAPTCHAs और Work for 2Captcha आपको Work for 2Captcha जाना है और Get Paid बटन पर क्लिक करना है  जब नया पेज खुल जाये तो आपको Registration पर ...

व्हाट्सएप्प से पैसा कैसे कमाए - How to Make Money with WhatsApp

व्हाट्सएप्प (WhatsApp) के बारे में बताने की जरूरत नहीं है, आप बहुत से लोग दिन में कई-कई घंटे व्हाट्सएप्प (WhatsApp) पर चैटिंग करने में बिताते हैं, लेेकिन अगर आप थोडा सी मेहनत करें तो आप घर बैठे व्हाट्सएप्प (WhatsApp) से पैसा कमा सकते हैं आईये जानते हैं कि व्हाट्सएप्प से पैसा कैसे कमाए - How to Make Money with WhatsApp -  व्हाट्सएप्प से पैसा कैसे कमाए - Whatsapp Se Paise Kaise Kamaye व्हाट्सएप्प (WhatsApp) से पैसा कमाने के लिये आपके पास कई सारे ग्रुप और contacts का होना जरूरी है WhatsApp से पैसे Earn कर पाएंगे WhatsApp से पैसे कमाने का सबसे अच्‍छा तरीका है  Affiliate Marketing   ई-कॉमर्स (E-commerce) कंपनियां नये ग्राहकों को जोडनेे और प्रचार करने के लिये एफिलिएट मार्केटिंग (Affiliate Marketing) का सहारा लेती है, एफिलिएट मार्केटिंग (Affiliate Marketing) के लिये आम यूजर्स का ही सहारा लिया जाता है और होने वाले फायदे में यूजर्स को कुछ कमीशन दिया जाता है, जिससे प्रचार करने वाले यूजर की भी कुछ कमाई हो जाती है Affiliate Marketing को Online पैसे कमाने का सबसे अच्‍छा...

CC Cashout Via PayPal

CC Cashout Via PayPal   1. You need a good Same state Socks5 must be very fresh like posted in 5 minutes or else it will decrease chance. 2. PP must be very fresh and ready to use. 3. You must use Mozilla Firefox and 4. Clear cache and use Ccleaner. 5. Log in your Real Paypal and make a buy now button 6. Go to or any other sites that accept html 7. Create a buy now button or donation it's your choice. 8. After creating put the HTML button in blogspot and check it if it is working. 9. Now after checking and worked close firefox now and Clean cache and use ccleaner 10. Open firefox and put socks fresh on it. 11. Go to the blogspot with the buy now button or donation. 12. Pay now on it using the PP balance or Cc attached on it. 13. You will get success on it  14. Just one donation per cc 15. Done, you just transferred the money on your account. 16. Load account then transfer to another paypal then cashout to bank account or spend. Do not use this method with y...

Online Money Making WhatsApp Group online Links

Online Money Making   WhatsApp Group online   Links Everyone wish to earn more money, without sacrificing their comfort, right? Yes, but how to do you start making money online? Well, no matter if you have no idea how to start and where to start… We have some Online Money Making Group Invite Links which can help you. Paisa Kamao Earn Money Online Make Money Online HOWIN – Making Money Through Marketing