Rule 139 of Central Motor Vehicle Act


According to Rule 139 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, if the driver does not have the documents in time, in physical or electronic form, registration, insurance, fitness and permit certificates, driving license pollution, etc., then he has to present all the necessary documents. A time of 15 days is given.

Rule 139 of Central Motor Vehicle Act in Hindi - Following the new Motor Vehicle Act, which came into force from September 1, there have been reports of large number of vehicle drivers getting challans of thousands of rupees from different states of the country. In fact, for violating traffic rules in the new Motor Vehicle Act, the penalty amount has been increased by almost 10 times. Recently, a truck driver in Odisha was fined Rs 86,500. Earlier, an auto driver's challan of Rs 4,6500 was deducted in Gurugram, Haryana. Action was taken on these drivers for breaking traffic rules and not having the necessary documents related to the car. However, there is also a rule in the Motor Vehicle Act, from which you can cancel your challan of thousands of rupees for just 100 rupees.

Such challans can be canceled : According to traffic rules, if you do not have your driving license, vehicle registration certificate (RC), insurance, pollution certificate and permit while driving on the road, your challan can be deducted. But ... Rule 139 of the central motor vehicle act provides that the driver will be given 15 days time to present the documents. The traffic police cannot cut his challan immediately.

This means that if the driver claims to show these documents within 15 days, then the traffic police or RTO officials will not deduct the challan of the vehicle. After this, the driver has to show these documents to the traffic police or officer concerned within 15 days. At the same time, under the New Motor Vehicle Act 2019 Section 158, the time for getting an accident or showing these documents in special cases is 7 days.

If the traffic police challans you illegally, then it is not mandatory to fill the challan. The challan of the traffic police can be challenged in court. And if it is proved in the court that the driver has all the documents and he is not given 15 days time to present these documents, then that fine can be waived by the court.

However the condition in this rule is that all papers must be dated before the invoice is deducted. For this process you will have to pay a fee of Rs 100 per document.


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