How to get death certificate - how to get death certificate online in india


How to get death certificate - how to get death certificate online in india

Death certificate is one of the important documents. Many things cannot be done without it. For example, if you have to make an insurance claim or withdraw money from the account of the deceased or take a pension, you need a death certificate everywhere.

On the basis of the death certificate, the legal heir of the deceased gets the pension, payment of life insurance, payment of the remaining amount in the bank account, so if the death certificate is not there then the death person will not be able to get these payments. 

You can apply online within 21 days after death, for which you will not have to pay any money.

  • Go to the Central Government website
  • Create an account
  • Fill the death form
  • Submit it
  • Then print
  • Also add an address proof (of the person who dies)
  • Make two people watch (family members or others)
  • Fill the declaration form from both ( download from here )
  • After this, submit it by going to the registrar (whose address is below the form).

After 21 days you cannot do online but you will have to make it offline.

  • Fill in Form 2 ( download from here )
  • Also add an address proof (of the person who dies)
  • Make two people watch (family members or others)
  • Fill the declaration form from both (download from here)
  • After this go to the registrar and submit

Many people of this state can apply from this website, whose list is given on this site, apart from this you can get a death certificate from the Jan Seva Kendra or from the website of your state.

The central government has made Aadhaar card mandatory for creating death certificate ie death certificate from 1 October 2017. Under this decision of the government, Aadhaar number will be necessary to know the identity of the deceased, only after this the death certificate will be made. If a person does not have an Aadhaar card and dies, then his family will not be able to produce his death certificate. In the event of not having a death certificate, the heir of the deceased will not get the benefit of the policies in his name.


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