How to open Paytm KYC center

Paytm KYC Center Kaise Khole or paise kamaye

Today many people use Paytm to enjoy the benefits of many types of online features through Paytm. If you want to earn money through Paytm, then this is a good way to earn money. You can earn money by opening the Paytm KYC Center

PatyM users need to use Paytm KYC to use the Paytm service. If you do not get Paytm KYC, you will be deprived of using Paytm and will not be able to take advantage of the Paytm Service. So let us now know that Paytm KYC Center Kaise Le by which you can earn good money.

What is Paytm kyc center?

KYC is made by the bank to identify the customers. Customers who use the Paytm are required to update the Paytm KYC service, according to which Paytm can identify the identity of its users. You can upload your information online at Paytm KYC. Paytm KYC Charges is not taken from the user, meaning that you will not have to pay any kind of charge to the Paytm KYC. You can get this service for absolutely free.

Follow the steps given below to open the Paytm KYC Center.

 Next you have been told Step by Step how to open Peti KYC center.

Step 1: Paytm Account
You must have an account in Paytm to open the Paytm KYC Center.

Step 2: Update Paytm KYC
After this, the Paytm KYC has to be updated.

Step 3: Tap On Link
After updating KYC, you have to go to Paytm's website Here you can see the option of KYC being clicked at the top.

Step 4: Register as a KYC Point
As soon as you click on KYC, you have to click on the lowest register as a KYC Point option.


Step 5: Enter Your Details
Now a form will open in front of you. Whatever information you have asked for it is to be filled correctly. After filling the form completely, submit it.


After 7 days of submitting the form, you will receive a call from Paytm and ask you some information, you have to tell your information accurately. After this, you will also be given a password.

You will also find a link to Paytm Golden Gate App to customers' Paytm KYC. After doing so, you can open your Paytm KYC Center.

Paytm KYC Documents required

When you complete the Paytm KYC process, an agent from Paytm arrives at your given address for Paytm KYC Online Verification. You must submit your required documents, which will be required for the documents mentioned below.

  • Aadhar Card
  • driving license
  • Voter id
  • Pan Card
  • Passport
  • NREGA card

How to find nearest Paytm KYC Center 

You have to follow the steps given below to find your nearest petty KYC point. So let's know the Paytm KYC Center

Step 1: On Location
First turn on the location in your mobile.

Step 2: Open App & Tap On Nearby KYC Point
Now open Paytm KYC App in Mobile. On top of the App, you will see the option of Nearby KYC Point click on it.

Step 3: Complete Your KYC
After this you will get 2 options, if you want to get Paytm KYC, click on Complete Your KYC option.

Step 4: Pay With Paytm
This option will get a list of payments from Paytm. Wherever you want to pay, there will be a list, address, name and distance show of all those shops. Here you will also get the option to call Paytm KYC Customer Care Paytm KYC Customer Care. These shops can also be called.


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