How to clear SSB of Army?

How to clear SSB of Army?

If u talk about psychology, we are a mixture of positive and negative thoughts or emotions, so just dont try to show only your positive side by writing everything positive.They just want to confirm that the person is normal and would not be a danger for his people in future which can be the case if
  1. He writes everything positive so they could make out he has taken some sort of coaching or has written answers different from his own opinion and would ultimately work against you.
  2. If you write something really shitty which always revolves around some sort of negative things like bombs,murder etc which is not the mistake a lot of people do.
When it comes to the GTO tasks, though people say everything matters but i think group planning exercise and the tasks involving plank, ropes and balli i.e. group tasks matter the most.
  1. In the case of the ground tasks, dont make the mistake of saying or doing something shitty just for the sake of giving soln before others. Believe me that taking time and then giving a decent soln would be the best thing to do. Let people shout at each other and give shitty ideas.You just stay silent at a corner and think of a good soln that involves common sense and not much force.
  2. In case of group planning exercise, pen down the problems first, then the resources available and then the results and make sure you write the problems and soln in order of what is most important thing.
Now comes the interview. Here just dont get too much comfortable. Think before you speak here. Most of the IO’s would praise whatever you say which would make u say everything about yourself, even the things you shouldnt tell them and that helps them in getting u out. So just speak after thinking.
Now about coaching. See coaching would definitely take away your originality but only in the case of psych and interview whereas in GTO tasks it would be immensely helpful. So what u can do is watch videos of training academies like cavalier etc and pause it before the soln of an obstacle is given and try to figure out the solution and it would help u to come across different solutions of obstacles and ur mind would work better in SSB then.

SSB'S are hard for people who are confused, egoist, selfish,hot headed,over thinker,panicky,loud mouth ,emotional and coward. Some where these qualities emerge and thus we do not get recommended.You need to be balanced and your trueself to emerge as a winner.
My batch mate Deepak Reddy cleared after 5 attempts and he got rid of some qualities mentioned above. I am also following his footsteps.
Self introspection is the only way to clear and earn the + sign. The more you know about yourself the more are the chances of earning the badge. I have learnt this the hard way.


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