
Showing posts from December, 2018

INDIAN HISTORY questions for SSC CGL commonly asked questions

INDIAN HISTORY questions for SSC CGL commonly asked questions Which among the following chronology is correct regarding four samvatas? (1) Gupta–Gregorian–Hizri–Saka (2) Gregorian–Saka–Hizri–Gupta (3) Saka–Gregorian–Hizri–Gupta (4) Hizri–Gupta–Gregorian–Saka (SSC Section Officer (Audit) Exam. year 1997) 2.The home of Gargi, Maitrey, and Kapila was at (1) Vidisha (2) Ujjain (3) Pataliputra (4) Mithila (SSC Section Officer (Audit) Exam. year 1997) 3.Which area of India was known as Avantika in ancient times ? (1) Avadh (2) Ruhelkhand (3) Bundelkhand (4) Malwa (SSC Section Officer (Audit) Exam. year 1997) 4. The Social System of the Harap- pans was : (1) Fairly egalitarian (2) Slave-Labour based (3) Colour (Varna) based (4) Caste based ( SSC Combined Graduate Level Prelim Exam. 04.07.1999 (Ist Sitting ) 5. Which of the following Vedas pro- vides information about the civil- isation of the Early Vedic Age? ...

Stalking क्या होता है? Stalking के लिए कितनी सजा का प्रावधान है?

Stalking क्या होता है? Stalking के लिए कितनी सजा का प्रावधान है? section 354(D) IPC Stalking क्या होता है- धारा 354(D) के अनुसार कोई पुरूष Stalking का अपराध करता है 1.जब वह पुरूष किसी महिला के द्वारा मना करने के बावजूद भी, उस महिला का पीछा करता है ओर संपर्क करता है या संपर्क करने की कोशिश करता है, या 2.जब वह पुरूष किसी महिला के द्वारा चलाए जाने वाले इंटरनेट ईमेल या किसी अन्य प्रकार की इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स संसूचना को मॉनिटर करता है। लेकिन निम्नलिखित परिस्थितियों में स्टॉकिंग अपराध नहीं है- (अ) जब स्टॉकिंग किसी अपराध के निवारण या पता लगाने के लिए किया गया हो और राज्य सरकार ने उस पुरुष अभियुक्त को उस अपराध के निवारण या पता लगाने के लिए स्टॉकिंग करने का उत्तरदायित्व सौंपा हो। (ब) जब स्टॉकिंग किसी विधि के अधीन किया गया। (स) जब स्टॉकिंग ऐसी परिस्थितियों में किया गया हो जहां यह युक्तियुक्त और न्यायोचित था। Stalking के लिए कितनी सजा का प्रावधान है? धारा 354(D) के तहत स्टॉकिंग के मामलों में पहली बार पकड़े जाने पर 3 साल तक की जेल और जुर्माने का प्रावधान है। लेकिन स्टॉकिंग के मामले मे...

आत्मरक्षा (self defence ) या निजी रक्षा क्या है ?

आत्मरक्षा या निजी रक्षा क्या है ? (self defence) भारतीय दण्ड संहिता की धारा 96 से लेकर 106 तक की धारा में सभी व्यक्तियों को आत्मरक्षा का अधिकार दिया गया है । 1-व्यक्ति स्वयं की रक्षा किसी भी हमले या अंकुश के खिलाफ कर सकता है । 2-व्यक्ति स्वयं की संपत्ति का रक्षा किसी भी चोरी, डकैती, शरारत व अपराधिक अतिचार के खिलाफ कर सकता है। आत्मरक्षा के अधिकार के सिद्धांत 1-आत्मरक्षा का अधिकार रक्षा या आत्मसुरक्षा का अधिकार है । इसका मतलब प्रतिरोध या सजा नहीं है। 2-आत्मरक्षा के दौरान चोट जितने जरुरी हों उससे ज्यादा नही होने चाहिए । 3-ये अधिकार सिर्फ तभी तक ही उपलब्ध हैं जब तक कि शरीर अथवा संपत्ति को खतरे की उचित आशंका हो या जब कि खतरा सामने हो या होने वाला हो। आत्मरक्षा को साबित करने की जिम्मेदारी अभियुक्त की होती है 1-आपराधिक मुकदमों में अभियुक्त को आत्मरक्षा के अधिकार के लिए निवेदन करना चाहिए। 2-ये जिम्मेदारी अभियुक्त की होती है कि वह तथ्यों व परिस्थितियों के द्वारा ये साबित करे कि उसका काम आत्मरक्षा में किया गया है। 3-आत्मरक्षा के अधिकार का प्रश्न केवल अभियोग द्वारा तथ...

What Is UX?

UX, simply put, stands for user experience. You may be asking, “ Why not UE ?” But in the world of user interaction, X takes precedence over the letter E. User experience is the design practice that focuses on creating experiences — typically digital experiences like websites, for example — that are easy to use and satisfying for users. It focuses on a design practice that puts the user at the center of all considerations, so that the eventual experience provides interactions that are intuitive, helpful, and even enjoyable.  Although user experience can apply to many different types of products and designs, the scope of this work is to focus primarily on digital interfaces. In this context, user experience design is changing all parts of our world, including: Websites : Content sites, social media, and e-commerce Mobile apps : Smartphone applications Tablet experiences : Apps for tablets Kiosks : Seen in airports, shopping malls, and so forth Software : Standard softwar...

News for samosas lovers

Samosas ... After taking the name, the spicy taste of spicy potato starts to dissolve. Someone likes peas in the peas, then there is a lover of a samosa, but sometimes have eaten with dry fruit like raisins, raisins, almonds, walnuts and coconut. She also with sour-sweet chutney made from coriander leaves, mint, tomato and tamarind. Why not come water in the mouth? The taste of this samosa is such that there are long lines of people engaged in it. You will not see gorgeous decoration at the Uttam Samosa junction, located in Civil Lines, or carved table-chairs, nor any non-fan, but long lines of people will be seen in the shop from far away. Beginning 20 years ago Shopkeeper Akash Agarwal says that there is magic in my father Viish Agarwal's hands. Our family originally lives in Shamli district of Uttar Pradesh. Father came to Delhi in search of a job 20 years ago. Here he first opened the confectionery shop. Where many sweets were found. Father was also very versatile in ma...

Benefits of green chillies

By eating too much spicy or spicy food you may have many health problems as well as irritation in the chest and stomach. If you consume green chillies, then you can enjoy a tasty flavor. Green chillies contain many nutrients such as Vitamin A, B6, C, Iron, Copper, Potassium, Protein and Carbohydrate. Not only this, healthier things like beta carotene and creptoxanthin are also present. Know what you can get from eating green chillies ... Benefits of Green Chillies Eating green chillies is beneficial for both health and beauty. They strengthen the skin-to-body immune system. By consuming green chillies daily, the health is correct. Green pepper contains a compound called capsiusine, which makes it spicy. Blood is cleaned by eating chilli and blood flow is rapid in the veins, so there is no problem with pimples on the face. In chillies, vitamin C and vitamin E are found in sufficient quantity. Anti antioxidant is abundant Red chilli does not satisfy only our tongue, but ...

Sports dream11 team whatsapp group link

Sports dream11 team whatsapp group link No religious posts in the group. Stay Active in the group. Not allowed to spam in this group. No off-topic messages in the group. Give respect and take respect from the group members. For the group rules please check the group description and contact the group admin about rules and regulation. Not allowed to personally message any of the group members. Not allowed to do any type of advertisement or promotion in the groups. Do not change the group name or group image. If you have any problem with the group and group members, You can contact the group admin. Join dream 11 group 🏆 IPL2018 official fan club : *🏆 Dream11 : 🏆 FANTASY FOOTBALL GURU ⚽: *🏆 Dream 11 wining team : 🏆🎭 Drem11 🏆Legend Group 🏆: *🏆 DREAM11 Small League : 🏆 Dream11(INDIAN BRAIN) : *🏆 Free d11 teams : 🏆 Dream 11 Fantasy : *🏆 D11 : 🏆 Dream11 fantasy cricket : *🏆 guru : 🏆 Dream11 teams : *🏆 Cricket upda...

Wallpaper Hd whatsapp group link

Here is the collection of awesome Cool Whatsapp DP, Funny Whatsapp DP or Group profile Pic. That will help you to share your emotion using your Whatsapp DP. When we get sad, angry or maybe any other emotion. We always try to search the Web for the for WhatsApp DP pics to show our emotions using different types of pics to friends, family or any. In this article, you will get Couple Love WhatsApp DP, Funny WhatsApp profile pic, Romantic DP For WhatsApp, DP for WhatsApp with quotes, Sad WhatsApp DP pic, Attitude DP pic and all other types of emotion smile pic. If you are looking for the HD wallpapers for android mobile device. Here is the large collection of HD 1080p wallpapers free. With the help of these HD wallpaper for mobile 1920×1080 resolution, we can easily personalize our Android, Tablet, Desktop display easily. These high-resolution HD wallpapers for android are free for use. You don’t need to think in deep, simply choose the HD wallpaper f...