Ezushpermia: Problems and Solutions ( एजुस्पर्मिया )

By research and surveys it has become known that 5% of men are sexually active, i.e. they do not have sperm in semen. This condition is called azappermia. On the other hand, when the number of sperm is less than normal, then it is called oligospermia. Generally, pregnancy is not likely to be caused by men with both these conditions, because the number of sperms in semen is 60-120 million per ml. Should be between.

Here, let us know that the absence of sperm in semen tests does not mean that the sperm is not being created in the testicles or it will never happen. There can be many reasons for the lack of sperm in semen or not. In most cases, after giving treatment to the causes of them, the number of sperms becomes normal and the male comes in the condition of becoming a father.

There can be many reasons for the lack of sperms. As such, it may be that the testicles may have adequate capacity to produce sperm but lack of support in the discharge of the supporting hormone can be produced or it may be that they are being constructed in sufficient number of testicles, But the convection ducts are not able to move forward due to disturbances or obstructions in the tubes and stored in the testicles or collector pouch. A third possibility may be that during sex, instead of ejaculation by sex, the semen goes back to the urine sac on the back and the sperm is deprived of going to the uterus.

why does this happen

There may be several reasons for these obstacles in sperm production, including the problem of hormonal secretion, testicular failure, swelling and infections in blood vessels supplying in tests.

A special gland called the pituitary gland is secreted from a special hormone, which is called follicular stimulating hormone, in the brain, by reaching the test through blood and stimulating its cells to produce sperm. is. The formation of sperms is affected due to any kind of disturbances or lack of secretion in this. In spite of being swollen for some reason in the blood vessels that supply the testicles, the effect of the sperm is affected many times.

Infections in infectious diseases such as mumps, T.B. Due to secretive disease, the normal functioning of the test is also affected. It shrinks and shrinks, causing the formation of sperms to be interrupted. Those who consume excessive smoking, cakes, jars, cigarettes, alcohol, gutkas etc, such reductions are usually seen. Infections in genitalia also affect fertility. Due to E. coli, T.B., Virus, and Croup, the ability to reproduce and sperm production is affected.

For the production of adequate number of sperms, it is also necessary that the testicle is in its correct position and its temperature is below the body temperature. Due to slight disruption in this, there is a hindrance in sperm production. Men who work in hot spots, such as blast furnaces, fire areas, underground mines, where the temperature is high, such complaints are usually found in them. Those who wear male tight underpants or who have swelling of blood in the blood vessels can also get this kind of complaint. The problem can also be seen in the condition of structural malfunction, TB, secretive disease, injury, infection or even swelling in the test. In the event of obstruction or deformation in the drains that carry sperms, such as after the hernia formation, there may be many problems like this from the marks formed by it.

Due to chronic diseases, the testicle often increases the amount of unwanted toxic substances, which is called antibody. It affects their mobility by sticking to sperms. Due to this, many sperm sticks to each other and becomes useless.

Many times it happens that there is no disturbance in the test, yet sperm is not found in semen. In such a situation, it is necessary to find out that there is no disturbance in the way of convection of this.

There are mainly 2 reasons for this - disturbances in the duct system and ejaculation process. Due to not being sperm carrier duct or block of it, the sperm can not move forward. This can be due to a congenital malfunction in the tube called a habit diffrence or due to blockage due to epididymis, prostate and seminal vaginal infection. Hernia or hydroxyl also sometimes causes maladaptation.

Now let's find out which problems are there in the way of ejaculation of sperm? During sexual intercourse, the semen before ejaculation must be stored in urethra. But many times it is not possible due to neural system disruption. This problem may occur due to the surgery of the reproductive organs, diabetes or spinal cord injuries. Sometimes many other problems arise because the semen does not move forward and gets caught behind. It starts accumulating in the urine sac and goes out with urine.

Educative men can also become father

Today's time has changed and science has made a lot of progress. Such measures have been taken to remove infertility, which could not be imagined earlier. Therefore, such people do not have to panic or be disappointed. Such a couple should first of all examine themselves in a good hospital. They should go through the entire investigation and go to such institutions where there is a high level of system of investigation and treatment of such a problem.

If there is any harm related to the hormone during the investigation, then the level of this is increased by giving medicine for this. If there are any types of tumors, cysts or some structural malfunction in the test, then it is corrected by formalization. Due to this infection in many cases, there are many types of disorders that are cured by giving antibiotics or other medicines. In cases of disorders in the conveying tubes, the sperm is cured by reproductive surgery.

Many times it happens that the number of sperms in semen is extremely low and it is stored in the test. In such a case, by removing it from micro surgery, fertilization is done by injecting the artificially in ovum into the lab and then it is replaced in the fallopian tube. This method is called intra cytoplasmic sperm insemination. Sometimes, due to the unwanted element in semen, the function of fertilization in the tube is not done. In such a situation, the spermwash is replaced by in vitro fertilization method in the tube or in the urus.

If for some reason the sperm is not made in any patient, then it has also been found to be followed by medical science, in which the use of artificial insemination method or the IVF with donor sperm. Artificial insemination can be done with the help of and the lack of childhood can be overcome.
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