
Showing posts from November, 2015

Create login Session in php code

well its a very easy method to create a session in php ,lets see how to Learn to create a simple login system with php + mysql script, see  this tutorial is easy to follow, teach you step by step. So lets starts our tutorial. first you have to install xampp or wampp server into your pc. here i am not teachs you how to install xampp. lets start ,upload the zip file attach to this post to the htdocs folder or www folder. 1. Create a folder with any name in htdocs folder ,i choose  suraj as folder name .  2, Copy all files provided in above picture to folder  name suraj . 3. Now ,open phpmyadmin     by this url                http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ 4.Create a database with name dbtest.  5.import the .sql file in database. the file in browser. Click here for download file

Color Correction and lighting in Photoshop


How to play recorded files from Set top box Like Airtel ,Tatasky ,videocon,Sun direct, to PC.

Basically In India, ave some of the DTH Services  such as TataSky ,Videcon ,Airtel, Sun Direct, We have some Secret Services to the  relates to the set op box. Now a Day,A new Functionality is added in our DTH Service that is Recording. We are able to store the recording of TV programs  using USB Data Cards. well ,Its a nice feature which easier to watch TV program when we are free to watch Tv. All the recordings are store in usb in different format That is .STR, is not a recorable format. these files are open only by a DTH box and we all knows nothing is impossible to do. For Get the recording,we need a converter which convert the str file into data files which are easy to open in window mwdia player or in vlc media player ie.  .dat , .mp4 , .mkv formats . So we get a easy method to open these file olso in Pc. Follow Steps to get recording and play recording in PC. Step1: Connect your data Stick in Dth port, Step2: Record your Tv program. Step3:Safely ...

resume for IT fresher for Technical Job for verious purpose

Sudhir kumar   House no. 337A , VPO bhangrola                                                               IMT Manesar,Gurgaon.                                                                                                      Contact No:+91 7898712485 Haryana– 122505.                                                         ...

Download Free font online montesarrat

Montesarrat font it consist of eot,ttf,woff,svg fonts

Cyanogen Arrives in India…

Once cOnsidered the preserve Of geeks, cyanOgen is nOw available preinstalled On nOt One, but twO phOnes in india. but what makes cyanOgen sO special and shOuld yOu be cOnsidering installing it Or purchasing a phOne running it? we take a clOser lOOk at this special flavOur Of andrOid It started out as a geek thing, really. And then it suddenly became very popular. Before you knew it, a company named OnePlus had launched a phone running it. And Micromax had launched a new brand just for devices that ran it in India. We are talking of Cyanogen, a version of Android that made its way to Indian shores officially through the OnePlus One in November and is now being sold on the YU series of devices, the first of which is the Yureka. Ask a geek and they will tell you that Cyanogen is an “open source operating system for tablets and phones based on Android.” But that is barely scratching the surface of what the OS is. For many people, Cyanogen is in fact the ‘true’...

Software life cycle models

Software life cycle models Software life cycle models is a process. A process involves activities, constraints and resources that produce an intended output. Each process activity, e.g., design, must have entry and exit criteria— why? A process uses resources, subject to constraints (e.g., a schedule or a budget) A process is organized in some order or sequence, structuring activities as a whole A process has a set of guiding principles or criteria that explain the goals of each activity BUILD & FIX MODEL Characteristics 1 . Product is constructed without specifications or any attempt at design 2. Adhoc approach and not well defined 3. Simple two phase model Drawbacks of build and fix model :- ·          Suitable for small programming exercises of 100 or 200 lines ·          Unsatisfactory for software for any reasonable size ·    ...